Let me take you back in time. Create a picture of 1984 – Like a Virgin by Madonna was in the record shops, the hairstyles were huge, the colours neon and all over the Netherlands there was one event you ab-so-lutely had to attend: on 21 April 1984, the members of The A-Team landed at Schiphol Airport to meet their Dutch fans. Word of mouth ensured that the three legendary members of The A-team were awaited by tens of thousands of fans, who came from far and wide. The turnout was unimaginable.
To celebrate that 40-year anniversary, we arranged for Dirk Benedict to come to the Netherlands to greet his fans one last time.
He is one of the most successful American Television stars of the eighties – best known as Templeton ‘Face’ Peck in The A-Team and Lieutenant Starbuck in Battlestar Galactica.
We look forward to welcoming Dirk to Comic Con Holland – Greater Amsterdam on Saturday ánd Sunday – and this just a few kilometres away from where he was so warmly received 40 years ago.
Make him feel as welcome as in 1984 and order your tickets now!
Autograph price: € 50
Photoshoot price: € 60