Comic Con Holland is the event in the Netherlands for all true fans and enthusiasts of Comics, Manga, Cosplay, Gaming, Films, Series, Sci-Fi, Fantasy and more.
Escape to a magical world, the ultimate Geek experience with world famous star guests to meet and a huge Geek Market to visit.
But also fascinating workshops, Q&As and lectures, but you can also just play games and enjoy the many competitions and performances.
Above all, it is the perfect time to make friends and have a fun day with other fans.
Come on Netherlands, Get Your Geek On!

Het programma geeft informatie over waar en wanneer de verschillende activiteiten plaatsvinden, zodat u uw planning kunt plannen.
Zaterdag29 APRIL 2023
11:00 | Deuren open |
11:00 | Deuren open |
11:00 | Deuren open |
11:00 | Deuren open |
11:00 | Deuren open |
Zondag30 APRIL 2023
11:00 | Deuren open |
11:00 | Deuren open |
11:00 | Deuren open |
11:00 | Deuren open |
11:00 | Deuren open |
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