“Every sun sets fewer elves. Our land is polluted, our elders are dead. Even our caves on the edge of the world have fallen into monsters. But we must not lose faith in a bright elf future. What has been, does not always have to be that way”
Mecia Simson plays the role of Francesca Findabair in the top series The Witcher. Francesca is an elven sorceress who at one point took over as ruler of the elves from her husband Filavandrel aén Fidháil after he failed to defeat Calanthe. Later, she dreamed
that Ithlinne visited her in a white robe, claiming that she would lead the elves to Dol
Mecia Simson will be present on both days to meet her fans.
Meet her at Comic Con Holland: Expo Greater Amsterdam.
Autograph price: € 30
Photoshoot price: € 30